Daily Commute
Wednesday, November 26, 2003
  Overall: the FASTEST commute ever. Glad everyone decided to stay home.

Depart: 8:22a
1: 3 min (no back up to Camden, metering lights were off)
2: 12 min
3: 8 min (a cop was among us, keeping us close to the speed limit)
4: 9 min
Arrive: 8:54a

Wouldn't it be nice if I was really only a half hour from the office?

Happy Thanksgiving. See you Monday. 
Tuesday, November 25, 2003
  Overall: Day 2 of "we're staying home for the holiday" traffic volume. If only it were like this every day!

Depart: 8:20a
1: 6 min
2: 13 min
3: 9 min
4:10 min
Arrive: 8:58a 
Monday, November 24, 2003
  Overall: Back in the car again today... BUT here's to the low traffic volume thanks to a short holiday week!

Depart: 8:17a
1: 4 min (no metering lines)
2: 14 min
3: 9 min
4: 9 min
Arrive: 8:53a

Friday, November 21, 2003

Overall: Much, much faster. Kinda cold (to be expected). Exhilerating ride in, what a way to start the day.

Depart: 8:30a
1: 4 min (split the lanes to the front of the metering lights, saving at least 5 min)
2: 12 min (HOV lane baby!)
3: 9 min
4: 9 min
Arrive: 9:04a

Thursday, November 20, 2003
  Overall: Late start. Not so late arrival, thanks to the lickety-split timing of leg 1 this morning.

Depart: 8:23a
1: 4 min
2: 23 min (slower than normal, for no apparent reason)
3: 9 min
4: 9 min
Arrive: 9:08a 
Wednesday, November 19, 2003
  Overall: With this morning's article in the SJ Mercury News (front page, Valley section) about speedtraps on I-280 (leg 3 of my daily commute), I fully expected the commute time to balloon today. Didn't happen.

Depart: 8:15a
1: 10min
2: 20 min
3: 10 min
4: 11 min
Arrive: 9:06a

I plan to ride the motorcycle in on Friday (pending weather conditions), so I fully anticipate chopping my times for legs 1 & 2 in half, if not more. We'll see. 
Tuesday, November 18, 2003
  Overall: typical typical typical commute.

Depart: 8:13a
1: 10 min
2: 22 min
3: 10 min (sudden slowdown for no apparent reason threw us all off-track)
4: 10 min
Arrive: 9:05a 
Monday, November 17, 2003
  Overall: not too bad for a Monday morning. Another late start, but didn't seem to get penalized for it.

Depart: 8:19a
1: 7 min
2: 20 min
3: 7 min
4: 10 min
Arrive: 9:03a 
Friday, November 14, 2003
  Overall: Thought the late start would ease the load. not. Turns out a little light drizzle can ruin even the best temporal strategy.

Depart: 8:22a
1: 7 min
2: 17 min
3: 9 min
4: 10 min
Arrive: 9:05a

see you Monday! 
Thursday, November 13, 2003
  Overall: not too shabby today. typical slowdowns in the usual places.

Depart: 8:13a
1: 8 min
2: 23 min
3: 9 min
4: 10 min
Arrive: 9:03a 
Monday, November 10, 2003
  Overall: At the start, looked like it was going to be a long commute, but after the early troubles, things were great.

Depart: 8:07a
1: 12 min (lo-o-ong wait to get onto the highway)
2: 17 min
3: 9 min
4: 9 min
Arrive: 8:54a 
Thursday, November 06, 2003
  A rather quick commute this morning. Can't understand why, but I'll take what I can get!

Depart: 8:15a
1: 5 min
2: 15 min
3: 9 min
4: 9 min
Arrive: 8:53a  
Wednesday, November 05, 2003
  Overall: not too shabby for a hump day slog.

Depart: 8:07a
1: 10 min
2: 18 min
3: 8 min
4: 10 min
Arrive: 8:53a

No commutes to report yesterday or monday, as I took Caltrain to downtown SF for the Independent Sector conference. Really enjoyed the opportunity to read on the train, missed my NPR time, tho. 
A blog of how long the various legs of my Bay Area commute take from Campbell to Redwood City. (30 miles)

Four legs are timed:

1. Getting onto 17/880 (1 mile)

2. getting to the end of the I-280 northbound HOV lanes (14 miles)

3. getting to the Farm Hill exit (10 miles)

4. getting to the office in downtown Redwood City (4 miles)

10/01/2003 - 11/01/2003 / 11/01/2003 - 12/01/2003 / 12/01/2003 - 01/01/2004 /

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